Pizza for Breakfast?

Aug 26, 2019

Pizza for breakfast?

How often do you open your fridge and stare into the depths of indecision or emptiness? We have all been there. How excited have you been to find a leftover container of pizza in your fridge in the morning after a long night? It turns out that you are not alone. According to a poll,  53% of people eat pizza for breakfast. 

Believe it or not, pizza can be healthier than several breakfast options such as cereal, french toast, pancakes, or coffee cake. Pizza provides you with carbs, protein, vegetables and none of the sugar in the previously mentioned sweet treats. According to the Environmental Working Group,  breakfast cereals like Fruit Loops and Cap’n Crunch are made of 50% sugar! 

If you are having a lazy morning (or afternoon) and want to eat some leftover pizza, we support you.  

Here are some of our pizzas that we believe can be even BETTER as a leftover:

  1. Hot Lips pizza.
  2. Buffalo Chicken pizza. 
  3. Meatball and Sausage pizza. 
  4. Margherita pizza. 

If you’re looking for a healthier option to your cereal, look no further and order with us! 

Ken Bosse said, “Vinnie’s is great. The pizza is always consistent, and they are always quick with the order. They offer a wide variety of specialty pizza or toppings of your choosing.” And William Morse who wrote, “A local self-described Pizza snob recommended this, and boy was I glad we went. The best pizza I’ve had for years!”.

Visit Domenic’s & Vinnie’s for take-out and try out whatever leftovers you have for breakfast! 🍕